Dyadic MID Dataset (Version 3.0):
Citation: Zeev Maoz, Paul L. Johnson, Jasper Kaplan, Fiona Ogunkoya, and Aaron P. Shreve 2018. The Dyadic Miltarized Interstate Disputes (MIDs) Dataset Version 3.0: Logic, Characteristics, and Comparison to Alternative Datasets, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1-25.World Religion Project Version 1.1
Citation: Zeev Maoz and Errol A. Henderson 2013. The World Religion Dataset, 1945-2010: Logic, Estimates, and Trends. International Interactions, 39(3): 265-291.
The Quantitative History of The Arab-Israeli Conflict -
Replication Data Sets
The Dyadic MID Dataset Paper (JCR 2018) Replication Package
Rivalry and State Support of Non-State Armed Groups, 1914-2006 (ISQ, 2012)The Effects of Strategic and Economic Interdependence on International Conflict Across Levels of Analysis (AJPS, 2009)
What is the Enemy of my Enemy? (JOP, 2007)
Network Polarization, Network Interdependence, and International Conflict, 1816-2002 (JPR, 2006)
Structural Equivalence and International Conflict (JCR, 2006)
Terris-Maoz 2005 Mediation Dataset (JPR, 2005)
Network of Nations: The Evolution, Structure, and Impact of International Networks, 1816-2001 (Cambridge UP, 2010).
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